The tree test is only 8 questions, mixed of qualitative and quantitative tasks. The first 3 questions is aimed to profile the participants. We also added a fake task to filter out participants who are not engaged in the study.
Each questionnaires are followed up with rating the ease of task completion. If the task was easily completed, the participant needs to explain why they think it was correct. If it is difficult, the participant needs to explain the context of the difficulty.
Task 4 to 11 focuses entirely on how the information is structured in the following pages in the portal:
1. Getting Started page
2. Typography Page
3. Sketch Elements - How to use the components
4. Component Page (Side navigation)
5. Design Tokens page
6. Colors (Foundations) page
Important notes:
- There is no time limit
- The test should be statistically valid
It's very important to share/communicate the results with the team. This is to reach the maximum impact of the study -- by getting them involved in the initiative, we can easily add the points/insights from the studies to our backlog. We call this session - "Co-Analysis" with the stakeholders.
The co-analysis was held/time-boxed for 2 hours; first half is walking them through the results, second half is getting their understanding of the results and adding it to the backlog.
The way the pre-analysis worked is that each result per questionnaire was clustered / categorized with a brief summary. Each person in the team will have their own airtime in getting their thoughts heard.
If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!